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User Groups

What are User Groups?

Adding users to user groups and assigning them different access rights on each sheet ensures that each group has appropriate viewing, creating, or modifying rights.

Adding or Modifying User Groups

Click the hamburger icon on the upper-left of the page, and select Groups under User Access.

You can add or edit user groups in this sheet.


1. Please do not modify any system default group names to avoid affecting functionality.

2. Group names must not be duplicated (even in different letter cases).

3. Group names cannot contain "&", ",", or "=".

Group Administrator and Tabs

Group Administrator: Group administrators can create, update, and suspend users in the user group. They can also add sheets to a Group Tab or make design changes to the sheets under a Group Tab.

Group Tabs: To add a tab as a Group Tab, enter the Tab Path Parameter in the Group Tabs field, which can be determined from the sheet's URL. The URL structure of a Ragic sheet is: https://{domain}/{apname}/{Tab Path Parameter}/{Sheet Path Parameter}/{nodeId}. For example, if the sheet URL is, the Tab Path Parameter is /forms1. You can enter this parameter in the Group Tabs field. When specifying multiple tabs, separate them with "commas".

The users will receive a notification email when they are assigned or removed as group administrators.

Adding User Groups Under Design Mode

You may also add a new user group under Design Mode while you are setting up access rights. Go to Form Settings > Access Rights, and click on "Add User Group" under the list of existing user groups.

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