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Show References From Existing Sheets

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Creating a Reference Subtable

If you have a linked field with Link & Load on your database sheet, you can use reference subtables in order to display all related entries that belong to the sheet you're linking to, in the original sheet that you're linking from.

For example, let's say that you have a Sales Orders sheet, with a link & load that links the related customer from the Customers Sheet. We can add our Sales Order records related to one customer as a reference subtable on our Customers sheet, so that we can see all sales orders a customer has placed. This is a great way to find back references to your data, which provides great value in database applications.

Please note that the sheet that you choose should contain a reference to the current sheet. In our example, the sales orders that are being included in the customer form design has a field that selects a customer with link & load. Otherwise, there will be no way for Ragic to determine the connection between a sales order and the customer.

Below, we're showing the Sales Orders sheet, where a Customer ID field is the linked field, which helps us select a customer.

Since this link exists, we're able to go to our Customers sheet to add the reference subtable.

To add a reference subtable to a form, go to the Design Mode of the form where you would like to add a subtable. Choose the option Show references from existing sheets listed under the From Tools button, listed under Sheet Linking Tools.

Drag the Linked Subtable component that you want to add below it to the desired location of your sheet.

When you drop the component, a field selector window similar to the listing page field selector will appear for you to choose the fields that you would like to include in this subtable. You will need to choose at least 2 fields since Ragic needs to display the field values underneath your field titles. When you're done, click the Insert Subtable button to have the reference subtable added to your sheet.

Don't forget to save your sheet design once you've added your reference subtable.

Ragic will now automatically display related sales order entries from the Sales Orders sheet, under the related customer.

Please note that the reference subtable is meant to be view-only. Data entry should still be done on the original sheet; in our example, sales orders would still be added through the Sales Orders sheet, and they will automatically be displayed under the respective customers.

Adding New Fields in your Reference Subtable

If you would like to add a new field in the reference subtable that exists on your form, click on Sheet Linking Tools to view all the existing links. You'll see the source form's name under "Show references from existing sheets". You will be able to add available fields to your linked subtable by clicking on this name.

Link your Reference Subtable Rows to the Related Entry on your Source Sheet

Once you have created a reference subtable on your sheet, you can create a link on the subtable rows for a text field of your choice to take you to the related entry when clicked.

In our example below, we're going to change one of the reference subtable fields on our Customers sheet to link to the related sales order record in the Sales Orders sheet.

In the form page Design Mode, navigate to Form Tools. You will see that the source sheet of the reference subtable with a gear icon next to its name. Click the gear icon to set up the link.

This will show you a dialogue box to set the field your link will be in. In our example, we want this to be the "Sales Order #" field. If the source sheet has multiple versions, you can configure displaying which one as default.

Save your process and exit the design mode. You'll now see that your selected field values have become links.

Create a Full Entry in a Linked Subtable

If you have a subtable that is a reference from another sheet, or is linked to a full entry with a sheet generated from this subtable, you can add an action button to easily add a new entry in the form where this subtable is referring to.

To do this, go to the design mode of the form page you would like to add the action in. You will find a list of your linked sheets under the Form Tools menu, sorted beneath the type of linking. Click on the gear icon next to the linked sheet you would like to add a new entry in.

You'll see the option to Create a button to add records with the new sheet.

You will be prompted to name the button that will be added to your action.

This will create an action button that will allow you to add a new entry to your subtable by filling out the full version of the form.

Note: If you want to remove action button, you may refer to this article

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