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BBCodes in Ragic

You can use some of the BBCode tags that you would normally use in forums or bulletin boards when you are filling out your form in Ragic. Using BBCode tags is extremely useful when you are filling free text fields or comments for internal communication.

These are the supported tags and how they will be displayed:

BBCodes Generator

Enter "/" in the field or comment, and the BBCodes menu will automatically pop up. You can then directly choose the desired tag from it!

Text to URL

Make a text into a URL by adding the [url] BBCode.

[url=]Run your business smarter[/url]

Run your business smarter


Tag a text with two square brackets so that it can be searchable in your database. This works great in comments if you know a related entry's ID, and would like to tag these entries.

[[search query term]]

Use Formulas

You can use formulas in Ragic to display values from other fields with the [formula] BBCode.


Text Formatting

Change the text formatting to bold, italic, underlined, strikethrough, subscript, or superscript with the following BBCodes.

[b]bold text[/b]

[i]italic text[/i]

[u]underlined text[/u]

[s]strikethrough text[/s]



Change the color of a text with the [color] BBCode.

[color=red]Red color text[/color]

Below you can see some examples:

BBCode Display
[color=blue]blue text[/color] blue text
[color=yellow]yellow text[/color] yellow text
[color=green]green text[/color] green text
[color=pink]pink text[/color] pink text
[color=gray]gray text[/color] gray text
[color=orange]orange text[/color] orange text
[color=purple]purple text[/color] purple text
[color=brown]brown text[/color] brown text
[color=cyan]cyan text[/color] cyan text

This would also work with a hexadecimal color value.

[color=#cc0000]Red color text[/color]

Insert an Image

Insert an image, using the [img] BBCode.


You can also add "width x height" as a parameter in the BBCode to resize your image if needed:


When setting the height and width of an image, differing image sizes can cause distortion. You can set only the height or the width, for example, [img=100x] to fix the width at 100 or [img=x20] to fix the height at 20 and scale proportionally.

Insert Font Awesome Icons

You can use the [fa=type] BBCode to insert Font Awesome Icons. There are four types of Font Awesome icons: fas=Solid, far=Regular, fal=Light, fab=Brands.





Please note that not all Font Awesome icons can be supported at this time by our [fa] BBCode due to the icon version on Font Awesome.

Embed a Map

Embed a map by entering an address in the [addr] BBCode.

[addr]New York, New York[/addr]

Embed a Video

Embed a video using the [embed] BBCode.


You can also add "width x height" as a parameter in the BBCode to resize your video if needed:


Send E-mail

You can send an e-mail to a specific address with the [mailto] BBCode.


[]contact Ragic support[/mailto]


You can call a specific phone number with the [tel] BBCode.


[tel=0277288692]call Ragic[/tel]

Send SMS

You can send an SMS to a specific phone number with the [SMS] BBCode.


[sms=0912345678]send SMS to 0912345678[/sms]


Using the [iframe] BBCode to embed external content such as company website pages, custom-developed reports, Google Calendar, or YouTube videos.

[iframe=width x height]URL[/iframe]

Tips: If the iframe content embedded in Ragic is blocked, please go to Company Settings → Account Settings and adjust the value of the "iframe sources" field.


Using the [poll] BBCode to create a poll. Let users vote together for the best solution.

[poll]Poll Name[/poll]. Note that the duplicate "Poll Name" in the database will trigger the same voting event. If you want to create a new poll, please use a different poll name. If the original poll has been deleted, you can use the previous name.

Input [poll]Poll Name[/poll] in the field.

After saving, the poll interface will be displayed. Click Create Poll to open the configuration window.

In this section, you can add options, set the duration, and check whether multiple selections are allowed.

Next, vote in the window; click on Vote Count to see the list of voters; click End Poll to close this poll directly.

After ending, you can view the results. In the window, there is a trash bin icon in the upper right corner to remove this poll.


Using the [pagebreak] BBCode to force page breaks between field values when downloading as a PDF or printer-friendly. Insert [pagebreak][/pagebreak] between the field values where you want the page breaks to occur.

Page breaks will occur automatically during printing.

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