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Label Maker

If you don't see any options featured below on your database sheets, it may be related to the access rights you are granted. If you have any questions about your access rights or not being able to view or generate reports, please contact your SYSAdmin of the database to check for the proper access rights configurations.

In addition to the saved report created by your SYSadmin, you can also generate and view reports. Clicking on the Report button at the upper-right corner on the listing page, select the report type that you would like to generate.

Generating Labels from your Data

You can generate simple labels for the specified fields in all entries in your sheet with the label maker.

You can change the label style such as the font size, label width, height and whether or not you'd like to display the field name.

Note: If you find that the value is not displayed completely, please check if you have set the correct height or width.

You may design your label to include data from more than one field. Click on the + button to add more fields. The example below includes information from both the "Product Name" and "Barcode" fields.

Printing your Labels

These labels can easily be printed through the printer icon on the top-right corner.

Configurations for the Label Maker Report

Below is a chart of the configurations you can make on your label maker report.

Option Description Optional?
Label Field Pick a field on your Ragic sheet so that Ragic can display the values in this field as a label. Mandatory
Font Size Enter the desired font size for your label content. Optional
Indent Enter the desired label indent. Optional
Align Enter the desired label alignment. Optional
Width Enter the desired label width. Optional
Height Enter the desired label height. Optional
Wrap Choose to wrap text or not for a selection of multiple fields. Optional

Printing or Saving your Report as a PDF

You can also save as a pdf file or print your report by clicking the print icon on the right side.

Viewing Saved Reports

You can find saved reports that were created by your SYSadmin under the Reports tab for easy access.

Filtering your Report with Views

Your report will be generated according to the filter you have applied. You can also generate reports for a certain shared view to display results within a different filtered criteria.

If a fixed filter view is applied to your sheet, the report will display results accordingly.

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