API Developer Guide
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Mass Operation

Mass operation APIs are designed to perform the same set of operations for multiple records on a sheet in one single request.

There are two ways of specifying the records to be updated:

  • where filters
  • https://www.ragic.com/<account>/<tab folder>/<sheet index>/massOperation/<Mass Operation Type>?api&where=<Field ID>,<Filter Operand>,<Value>

  • recordId in query string, recordId=<recordId>. e.g. recordId=1&recordId=2
  • https://www.ragic.com/<account>/<tab folder>/<sheet index>/massOperation/<Mass Operation Type>?api&recordId=<recordId>

Request Format

  • Mass operation APIs are aynschronous operations.
  • It is required to modify www to na3, ap5, or eu2 in the API URL based on your Ragic database account URL.

HTTP Method - POST

URL - https://www.ragic.com/<account>/<tab folder>/<sheet index>/massOperation/<Mass Operation Type>?api


Authorization: Basic <API Key>



// JSON data that describes the operation to be performed





"taskId": <A UUID That Identifies The Task>


Mass Lock

The mass lock API allows locking or unlocking multiple records at once.

Mass Lock Document

HTTP Method - POST

URL - https://www.ragic.com/<account>/<tab folder>/<sheet index>/massOperation/massLock?api


"action": <lock or unlock>





"taskId": "6dbc796a-07d5-475b-b578-d254eb30f7d2"


Mass Approval

The mass approval API allows approval or rejection of multiple records at once.

Mass Approval Document

HTTP Method - POST

URL - https://www.ragic.com/<account>/<tab folder>/<sheet index>/massOperation/massApproval?api


"action": <approve or reject>,

"comment": <optional comment> // optional





"taskId": "6dbc796a-07d5-475b-b578-d254eb30f7d2"


Mass Action Button

The mass action button API allows the execution of an action button on multiple records at once.

Mass Action Button Document

HTTP Method - POST

URL - https://www.ragic.com/<account>/<tab folder>/<sheet index>/massOperation/massActionButton?api


"buttonId": <button ID>





"taskId": "6dbc796a-07d5-475b-b578-d254eb30f7d2"


To Fetch The List Of Available Action Buttons On A Sheet

HTTP Method - GET

URL - https://www.ragic.com/<account>/<tab folder>/<sheet index>/metadata/actionButton?api&category=massOperation




"actionButtons": [


"id": <button ID 1>,

"name": <button name 1>




"id": <button ID 2>,

"name": <button name 2>




Mass Update

The mass update API allows updates of field values on multiple records at once.

Mass Update Document

HTTP Method - POST

URL - https://www.ragic.com/<account>/<tab folder>/<sheet index>/massOperation/massUpdate?api


"action": [


"field": <Field ID>,

"value": <New Field Value>







"taskId": "6dbc796a-07d5-475b-b578-d254eb30f7d2"


Mass Search And Replace

The mass search and replace API allows value replacement on multiple records at once.

Mass Search And Replace Document

HTTP Method - POST

URL - https://www.ragic.com/<account>/<tab folder>/<sheet index>/massOperation/massSearchReplace?api


"action": [


"field": <Field ID>,

"valueReplaced": <Value To Be Replaced>,

"valueNew": <Value To Replace With>,







"taskId": "6dbc796a-07d5-475b-b578-d254eb30f7d2"


Task Progress Tracking

Mass operations are asynchronous operations.

The task Id of the operation can be used to monitor its progress.

HTTP Method - GET

URL - https://www.ragic.com/<account>?api&taskId=<Task ID>




"id": <task ID>,

"ap": <account>,

"taskName": <task name>,

"status": <status>


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