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Why companies manage projects with Ragic, not Notion?

bbcode imgbbcode img
Number of Field Types?2614
Workflow Automation?4 features to improve operational efficiency and reduce human errorOnly 1 feature to build basic relationships
Online Approval Flow?
Setting Access Rights For each sheet, record, or field For the entire sheet only
Calendar Sync  Built-in
Email Reminders? Only reminders in Notion
Database Design Control? Only SYSAdmin Everyone can modify without permission
History? All Only for the past 30 days

English, Traditional Chinese,

Simplified Chinese, Japanese, Spanish

(Provide UI translations for other languages)
English, Korean
Page Speed Score?9855
Mobile Friendly
Mobile App?
Mobile Site Speed?2.6 seconds6.2 seconds
Integrate Third Party Service
Download as Excel File
Integrate With Other Online Applications Through Zapier and provide templates
Information Security
Enterprise-Level Security Provides on-premise option
Learning Resources

Documents, video tutorials,

live webinars, live chat
Documents, video tutorials

Trusted by organizations of all sizes around the world.

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Trusted by organizations of all sizes around the world.

Ragic customer list
Built-in calendar sync, email notification, and approval flow. Ragic works best for teams and companies!

Assign tasks or milestones to team members

Send notifications through email, website, and app instantly.

Build data relationships and summarize related data in one sheet

No need to manually enter data or recalculate formulas.

Build-in calendar sync and generate reports in one click!

All done in Ragic! No need to integrate with other systems.

Do more with less!

Click here to explore pricing plans

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What customers are saying...
(Real, unsolicited customer quotes from support e-mail)

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