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Case Studies
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Talking Ragic
Introducing RagicDocs: Making your Dropbox work for work. Icon
Introducing RagicDocs: Making your Dropbox work for work.
What is Ragic
Por Berrin Sun publicado en 2014/06/20
We've just made document management on Ragic easier with our new application RagicDocs. The only thing you'll have to do is to link one of your Dropbox folders to your RagicDocs sheet, and you're good to go.
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Ragic Shortcode Plugin Available on Icon
Ragic Shortcode Plugin Available on
What is Ragic
Por Berrin Sun publicado en 2014/04/24
If you use Wordpress and want to embed your forms or listing pages from your database, you're in luck! A Ragic shortcode plugin is now available on
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Ragic can now be installed on your QNAP NAS server Icon
Ragic can now be installed on your QNAP NAS server
What is Ragic
Por Berrin Sun publicado en 2014/02/14
Ragic can now be installed in the QNAP Application Center so that you can host Ragic on your own private enterprise cloud.
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Excel es la herramienta de manejo de datos más popular del mundo.
Pero se vuelve demasiado tedioso ya que Excel no está diseñado para el manejo de datos.
Ragic hace que el construir bases de datos potentes sea tan simple como usar Excel.
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