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Full text search, e-mail notification rules enhancements

Por Jeff Kuo

1. We've modified the e-mail notification rule so that for all users that edited the entry, or commented on the entry, will be receiving notifications on new updates and comments of this entry. Yes, sort of like the Facebook notifications. We have so many users too familiar with Facebook notification rules and always assumed that they should received notifications in the same way.

2. Full text search will now use "." as a token separator. This way you can search for web site URLs much more easily.

3. We now support the bracket notation in entry comments too.

Here's the old posting on bracket notations in case you didn't catch the intro:

A really cool way to use full text search is to annotate search keywords as user enter data with double brackets. For example, you can enter something like "For more information, please see the issue ID [BUG-0058931]", and [BUG-0058931] will be translated into a link when the cell or comment is saved. If a user clicks on the link, Ragic will use the full text search function to search for "BUG-0058931", if there's exactly one match to this search, the click will take the user to that entry directly. If there are more than one entry that matches, the list of entries that matches this search term will be listed for user to pick.

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