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Ragic Solution Store

Por Jeff Kuo

Check out our Ragic Solution Store. You can now install prebuilt Ragic applications to your account with a single click. Visit our Ragic Solution Store once in a while to see the latest applications that you can take advantage of!

If you're good at building Ragic applications, and loves to share your design. We would love to have the your Ragic application in our solution store. Just e-mail me at , and we'll help you put your application at the Ragic solution store. Right now all the applications are free, but if you would like to charge for installing your application, we can do that for you too!

¡Impulsado por Ragic! : La Gestión de Datos Que Sí Funciona.
Mantener tus datos en Excel no sólo afecta tu productividad, también es propenso a errores sin tener manera de auditar. Mientras tu equipo crece, el manejo de datos con hojas de cálculo se vuelve extremadamente tedioso.
¡Crea tu primera base de datos ahora!

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