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① 團體班、任選時段上課
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③ 一對一、可隨時預約 - 預約系統Partial Data
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Download backup of the DB of your account:
Your DB may stop responding for a few seconds during the period of your backup.
If the databases that you are backing up and restoring data are located in different servers, please select to back up as the compressed backup format. You can determine the servers of your database from its URL with the first three letters after "https://", such as www, ap2, ap3, eu3, na2... Compressed backup will consume relatively more system resources, that may result in higher system latency. Please do the download when there are less users accessing your account. Click here if you would like to proceed with your compressed backup download. |
Every entry saved in the database will have its own detailed history. It will include details such as the entry’s creation details, which users edited which fields, and all entry modifications. With archiving, you can archive entry histories that are more than 90 days old to save the storage space of your database. This action will also make your database run faster and smoother. If any user would like to view the older details of an entry’s history that are archived, he or she can still click on under the entry's history to download the archived history. Warning: Executing data archiving will use up a lot of time and resources. Therefore, it is suggested to only execute it once per year and when no users are using your database. Delete
Delete tasks completed more than 90 days ago to free up storage space and increase database efficiency. Select "Delete tasks" from the drop-down menu below. |
Upload and restore a backup of your account:
All the data in your account will be overwritten after you restore your db with a backup.
Warning :
This database is not on a paid plan. When restoring the full backup file of another database here, the system will modify the remaining trial days of this database according to the payment status of the database you’ve backed up from. If you’ve backed up a database on a paid plan and restored the backup file here, a 7-day free trial will automatically start on this database. If you’ve backed up a database on a free plan or a free trial and restored the backup file here, a 1-day free trial will automatically start on this database. |
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