Online database for businesses

Build real-world online databases with simple Excel-like interface.

Trusted by organizations of all sizes around the world.
Ragic customer list
Trusted by organizations of all sizes around the world.
Ragic customer list
Keeping data on Excel is holding your team back...

Time sink

People can spend as much as 90% of their time working with Excel.


88% of all spreadsheets contain errors, with no way to audit.
Creating spreadsheet, merging versions, locating errors, filing to management

No big picture

Too many worksheets make it hard to visualize how data fits together.

Growing pains

Your productivity decreases as the number of records and users increase.
too many spreadsheets
Buying a database system
is even more frustrating...


Over 90% of enterprise IT projects are delivered late.


Over 40% of planned IT Projects end up failing or unused.

Way too big

Complex software means more maintenance.
software package vs. your actual requirements
We want to change this.


We make everyone a database developer.


We make designing online databases like editing spreadsheets.

By putting the power of data back to the people running the business, we believe we will make good data management a commodity to organizations of all sizes.
What makes Ragic different?


Ragic’s unique technology takes building online databases to another level.
Our customers have built everything from small contact management system to fully fledged ERP systems on Ragic.


We keep online database design simple.
Know how to create an Excel form?
You’re ready to go!
Your online database comes with these powerful features without a line of code:

Access from Mobile

View, enter, and edit records on the go.

Search & Query

The confidence of instantly finding the data you are looking for.

Controlled Access

You decide on who can view, edit, or create entries in your online database.

Build Relations Between Sheets

Businesses need a database system, not just a few tables.


Crystal-clear visualization of your data with auto-generated reports and dashboards.

Generate Office Documents

Save time typing by generating Word and Excel documents directly from your database with Mail Merge.

Works with Excel

Import / export Excel files in batch,
or even create online databases with Excel files.


Save everyone some time spent running around with documents using the automated one-click approval system.


Your team will never miss out on the latest updates to your online database with e-mail and on-screen reminders and notifications.


Track all the dates in the online database with your favorite calendar application.


Keep track of every tiny change in your business, with no extra work. The precise version history does your record-keeping for you.
What customers are saying...
(Real, unsolicited customer quotes from support e-mail)
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